Mountain Biking Resources .com

What MTB Riders Want – When & Where They Want It

Posts Categorized / Rides

Importing Cyclemeter Rides Into Strava (kml to gpx)

Cyclemeter I use Cyclemeter to track my rides, and I like it.  The iPhone app works really well, doesn’t suck the life out of my battery (as long as the backlight’s switched off) and reliably posts my rides to Twitter, Facebook and the DailyMile site, which has some excellent display and reporting. So, I wasn’t looking […]


Rivington Ramble – Update

On Tuesday 13th March, a raggle-taggle bunch of Mountain Bikers arrived at Rivington Barn Lower Cafe and rode bikes for a few hours. (Thanks to for the header photo – a great resource of you’re heading to the area) The event was organised in honour of Ulster cycling nutter Lisa’s trip to the area, […]
